Friday, January 11, 2008

OLPC vs Intel Breakup Diagnosis

Like many, I was shocked last July when Intel announced they were joining the OLPC foundation after many months of complaints by Nicholas Negroponte. 6 months later the relationship has been dissolved. After studying the affair in detail, one is left with the distinct impression that Intel mishandled almost every aspect of the partnership.

The results of my study can be found in the following article.
Here's a snippet from the middle of the story.

Still hearing from perspective OLPC customers that Intel sales reps were disparaging the XO, Negroponte challenged the Intel executives to ensure it stopped. Intel agreed, assuring Negroponte management would put a stop to it. If memos were sent, they were apparently ignored. What follows is an account by Oscar Becerra Tresierra, a long time friend Negroponte's, as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Read More @ AC


Update: 1/12/2008:
Slashdot has posted a Silicon Valley Slueth Story about with claims that it is a front for Intel based on a little detective work by Christopher Blizzard, an OLPC contributor.

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