Thursday, August 6, 2009

Twitter facebook outage plot thickens, wait, there was and nobody could tweet?

Quote of the day goes to LeetLuXX0rz a commment on the contuing saga of twitdown 2009.

by L33tLuXX0rz August 6, 2009 5:16 PM PDT
That is quite intense to just target one person. But I guess we can say that although millions of people experience discomfort Im quite sure these were some of the most productive hours some people experienced since joining the social media revolution.

Actually, theres quite a few choice quotes in the actual article particularly the one from google.
A Google spokesman offered this statement: "We are aware that a handful of non-Google sites were impacted by a DOS attack this morning, and are in contact with some affected companies to help investigate this attack. Google systems prevented substantive impact to our services."

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